Executive Assessment Partner

Don’t climb mountains to be seen by the world.

Climb to the summit so you can see the world.

About us

Our origin

In 2019 we formulated the idea of an exclusive proposal in the area of ​​executive assessment for companies. So EAP was born - Executive Assessment Partner, a modern, virtual company.

Individually, over many years, we have developed our assessment skills and consulting experience in different companies and roles, but our values unite us. We share a common image of humanity and employ high standards of quality diagnostics. We have a knowledge and appreciation of each other through direct collaboration and cooperation.

Our expertise

We are executive consultants who have been concerned with senior management profiles and their dynamic development for decades. We understand the work reality of managers operating at top levels and consistently update our approach in respect of this knowledge.

We constantly keep in mind the development and potential of our assessment participants. At the same time, we make clear recommendations in order to offer our customers the highest level of clarity and support.

Our ethos

Predictability: We communicate sincerely and openly with everyone involved in the process and place great emphasis on remaining independent in our assessment.

Commitment: We keep our word, work reliably and take responsibility when dealing with people, data and results.

Appreciation: We behave with empathy and fairness, completely regardless of the result of an assessment. We work with our customers and participants respectfully and on an equal footing.

Professionalism: Our methods and procedures are specifically geared towards people at executive level and their ‘real’ work situation. This means a completely targeted, efficient and thorough approach, using contemporary working practices and techniques.

Rainer Bäcker, Diplom-Psychologe

Rainer Bäcker, Diplom-Psychologe

My professional career has spanned longer than 30 years during which I have  combined extensive consulting and management experience with entrepreneurial practice. I know, personally, what it means to set up and develop a company taking responsibility for people and their jobs.

Since my studies in Cologne and Vienna (psychology, philosophy, political science) I have been fascinated by the diversity of human personalities and their assessment with the methods of psychological diagnostics. For more than 20 years I have enthusiastically supported people and organizations in their further development. I can rely on well-founded training as a coach and supervisor, as well as on many years of psychotherapeutic training.

I initially gained leadership and change skills in a difficult cultural environment as deputy head of the psychological service at the Federal Employment Agency. Then, working with my team I successfully set up ifp-Managementdiagnosik in Cologne and headed it as a managing partner for over 15 years.
Today my wife and I live between the Rhineland and southern France. I work as a freelance coach, management diagnostician and executive consultant.

Martina Janiczek, Diplom-Psychologin, Diplom-Verwaltungswirtin

My professional work has focused on the personalities and special skills of good leaders for over 20 years. I studied psychology in Würzburg and worked for many years as a consultant, team leader and finally as head of the Academy for Management Diagnostics in a large personnel consultancy in Cologne. I have gained extensive entrepreneurial and technical experience in all areas of management diagnostics and development. I have a broad view of companies in different industries and through my first degree in administration I can draw on perspectives from other contexts.

My training as a management coach at the German Psychological Academy enables me to take a professional and well-founded approach, supplemented by many years of practical experience in this area.  

Previously and particularly since 2019 I have been working as a freelance consultant and coach in the field of management diagnostics and leadership development.
I live near Cologne with my husband and two children.

Martina Janiczek, Diplom-Psychologin, Diplom-Verwaltungswirtin

Emma Long, Diplom-Psychologin

Emma Long, Diplom-Psychologin

For around 20 years I have been active in the areas of management diagnostics, personnel and executive development, also change management on an international level. I studied psychology in England and Germany and completed qualifications as a coach. After starting my professional career at a large personnel consultancy in Cologne, I worked in the education sector for a few years before I started my own business.

Since 2001 I have been gaining extensive insights into different organizations in a national and international context. My work is focused on people and their development alongside the psychology and culture of a company. As a consultant and coach, I see myself as an independent and trustworthy partner that treats everyone involved with openness and appreciation.

I am originally from England and have both British and German citizenship. My home is now the Rhineland, where I live with my American partner.

Pia Rie-von Korff, Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH), Personalentwicklung (M.A.)

I have been working as an expert in management and executive assessment, focusing on the requirements for managers and approaches to (strategic) managerial development for over 15 years. My experience in cross-industry business and psychological personnel consulting is extensive and I was also responsible for the personnel department of an SME.

My professional foundation is an international business administration degree with various periods spent abroad in France, Spain and Peru, and a master's degree in personnel development. This gives me an interdisciplinary perspective. Since 2017 I have been working independently in the areas of management assessment and career coaching, also I advise HR professionals on the use of personality procedures.

Today I live with my Korean husband and two children in southern Germany near the city of Munich.

Pia Rie-von Korff, Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH), Personalentwicklung (M.A.)

Kristina Jansen, Diplom-Psychologin

Kristina Jansen

Over 20 years professional and managerial experience, gained within HR and working for a variety of organisations, enables me to address my clients’ needs on an individual basis.

I worked for 12 years as a top executive and for four years as partner and head of the business unit for management diagnostics at a personnel consulting firm. I apply my psychological background as well as the responsibility I have carried for people, budgets and turnover to my diagnostics approach. The numerous projects I have led covered the strategic, organisational and cultural development of companies in numerous sectors. I have contributed to both the achievement of corporate objectives and the success factor change management.

I combine a holistic view with a pragmatic approach, and enjoy tailoring solutions for, and together with, my clients. I place great importance on clarity and quality as well as mutual respect and transparency in all my dealings with others.

I work independently as a freelance executive and management diagnostics consultant and coach.

I was born and grew up in Northern Germany. Since 2012 I have lived together with my husband Cologne, where I feel very much at home.

Sibylle Bäcker

After graduating from high school, I studied philology for three semesters at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen before completing an apprenticeship as a bookseller. Following many years in retail, the opportunity arose to change my career to office assistance and accounting. I deepened my knowledge with commercial and tax law training.

For several years I worked as a management and board assistant for various companies in different industries. More recently, I was a project assistant for a large personnel consultancy in Cologne. I started my own business as a virtual assistant in the spring of 2019.

Sibylle Bäcker
Executive Assessment Partner


Executive Assessment Partner
